

Quill.com provides busy educators every product they need to run their schools. Delivering an expansive assortment of products like technology, cleaning & breakroom supplies, classroom furniture, medical supplies, safety products and general school supplies, our singular focus is on meeting the needs of our customers.

Contract Information

Cooperative NameKY AEPA
Contract NameAEPA Bid 019-C
Contract NumberAEPA Bid 019-E
Contract Term12/29/2014 - 02/28/2025
CategoriesOffice Supplies
School & Instructional Supplies

Supplier Information

Address100 Schelter Rd.
Lincolnshire, IL 60069


350 Specialty Priced Items

Discount by Category:

- 5% Discount on Tech (Computer Peripherals & Office Machines)
- 20% Discount on Office products, Classroom supplies and Nurse Supplies
- 10% Discount on furniture
- 25% Discount on Coffee, Water and Snacks
- 25% Discount on Facilities
- 12% Discount on Ink and Toner
- 20% Discount on Paper